A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2067

Chapter 2067


Taking a tender bite at his chin, Cecilia murmured, “I’ve missed you too.”

She’d already decided that, after wrapping up her current project, she’d step back from acting. Whether she won awards or not didn’t matter. She would focus on simply endorsements and fashion engagements. She wanted to nurture her family, to care for Mark.

Though often said as a joke, the reality was that Mark indeed wasn’t getting any younger, and neither was she.

She understood that love required sacrifices, not whimsical actions.

But she chose not to share these thoughts with him just yet.

Contemplating this, Cecilia began to feel a slight drowsiness creeping in. When Mark tried to coax her into taking a shower, she resisted, unconsciously adopting a child-like tone.

“Uncle Mark, I’m so sleepy. You’re so lenient with Edwin and Olivia, but so strict with me,” she murmured with a pout.

Leaning in, Mark gave her a teasing nibble.

“That’s because they don’t share my bed.”

Under the dim ambiance, Cecilia’s eyes locked onto Mark.


Propping himself up, he allowed her gaze to roam over him. Curiously, she traced the contours of his face, her fingers gently brushing against his nose.

Sensing a hint of tension in him, Cecilia quipped, “Who knew a man’s nose was off-limits?”

Mark, with eyes that seemed to carry the weight of a thousand tales, said, “Well, now you do.”

Seeing the playful rebuke in his eyes, she restrained her mischief.

As she started to rise, an unexpected pain in her stomach caused her to gasp.

Concern immediately clouded Mark’s face.

“Are you having menstrual pains?” he asked gently.

“It’s the second day today,” she admitted, “It’s been a bit more intense this month.”

Without a word, Mark fetched a cushion for her, readied a bath with just the right temperature, and laid out her pajamas.

Effortlessly, he scooped her up and carried her toward the bathroom.

The tenderness of his actions tugged at her heartstrings.

“I can walk, you know,” she teased, her voice a melodious whisper against his ear.

Mark chuckled.

“You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

